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Nationally Acclaimed Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Attorney Ted McClintock

Colorado Springs Jail – El Paso County Colorado

Colorado Springs Jail – El Paso County Colorado

Colorado Springs Jail Detention Facility Metro ColoradoCall (719) 520-3968 for a Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney visit at the Colorado Springs Jail.

2739 East Las Vegas Street
80906 Colorado Springs, CO
United States
Phone Number: 719-390-2000

Metro Detention Facility

210 South Tejon Street
80903 Colorado Springs, CO
United States

Office of the Sheriff

27 East Vermijo Avenue
80903 Colorado Springs, CO
United States
Phone Number: 719-520-7100

The El Paso County Sheriff’s Department’s website has an inmate search function for checking status of inmates, but it is recommended that manual verification be done if the inmate search does not provide data on the inmate you are seeking.  If you have difficulty locating a person online, then call the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center at (719) 390-2000, or the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office booking desk at (719)390-2151.

The experienced criminal defense attorneys at McClintock Criminal Defense, P.C. provide immediate jail visits to the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center (Colorado Springs Jail) at any hour.   If someone you know if currently a prisoner at the Colorado Springs Jail, it is critical to speak with an effective and experienced criminal attorney as soon as possible in order to protect you legal rights.

Why is an Attorney Jail Visit Vital?

Immediately upon arrest, your family member, friend, or loved one is entirely isolated from any communication with the outside world and their future liberty may depend upon immediate legal counsel by an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney.  The importance of exercising your constitutional right to remain silent and the aggressive advocacy by your criminal defense lawyer is critical to a favorable outcome in your case.  Without immediate representation by an experienced attorney, the police investigators in Colorado Springs will seize upon this vulnerability to interrogate the arrested party without a criminal defense lawyer present.  It is astonishing how many people in this vulnerable situation simply don’t exercise their basic, fundamental right to remain silent.  In many cases, the difference between a successful case outcome and a conviction with jail time is following the advice of your criminal defense attorney to remain silent about your arrest and case.  Contact McClintock Criminal Defense to visit your loved one in jail to prevent police investigators from obtaining any unfair advantage in interviewing your loved one without an attorney present.  Help them to help themselves by providing the aggressive legal help they need.

Bail and Bond Issues:

If your loved one is permitted bond, you may present your bail bond to the El Paso County Justice Center by:

Cash bonds
Surety bond

Bail bond fee vary, but typically average 10-15% of the bond amount.  If you have sufficient cash to post bond, use of a bail bondsman is not necessary.

There is a $60.00 processing fee charged by Colorado Springs for the costs of being processed through the El Paso County Justice Center.  If the defendant is not convicted, a refund request must be made to recover these fees.

Inmate Telephone Calls

The El Paso  County Criminal Justice Center uses Global Tel Link for inmates to call collect, or by using a prepaid account.  To learn more about this communication system for Colorado Springs inmates (including how to make pre-paid deposits to an inmate’s account), visit GTL.

Inmate Mail Service at Colorado Springs Detention Facility

Mail Room Hours (MST):
7:00am to 3:30pm – Monday thru Friday (excluding holidays)

Mail Room Phone:
(719) 390-2205

Mailing Address:
Inmate’s Full Booking Name & Admit Number/Booking Number (Not DOC Number)
Criminal Justice Center
2739 E. Las Vegas St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906-1522

Inmate Account Funds for Purchases While in Jail

Visit the El Paso County Commissary for current rules and regulations at their website.

Inmate Visitation – El Paso County Criminal Justice Center

Inmates at the detention facility are allowed non-contact visitation.  A request may be made online or through the detention center.  The detention center will permit “walk in” visits every day at:

7:00 am, 8:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, and 8:00 pm.

El Paso County Work Release Program

Please visit this site to learn if your loved one is eligible for work release as a Colorado Springs inmate.

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