In Colorado, a domestic violence offense refers to a criminal offense committed by an individual against another individual with whom they have close relations.
Domestic violence cases are primarily between; spouses, persons who share a child, persons who were or are currently in a relationship, cohabitants and family members.
There are different types of abuse that would be classified as a domestic violence offense, the main types reported are:
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse
Due to the intimate nature of cases categorized as domestic violence offenses; in many cases charges are due to misunderstandings and an exaggeration of the actual situation. This is unfortunate as despite a substantial reason for arrest not being present, the implications with being charged and possibly convicted are, so hiring an experienced and successful Colorado domestic violence lawyer is essential.
Domestic Violence Charges Are Often Unwarranted
Law enforcement officers are required to make an arrest whenever they receive a report of domestic violence; in cases where there aren’t any injuries or injuries sustained were due to self-defense, officers are still required to establish an offender and make an arrest based on their judgement. Your attorney from McClintock Criminal Defense, P.C. will review every aspect of your case and establish conclusive grounds for dismissal of charges based on factors such as; fraudulent testimonies, lack of evidence, protocol not being adhered to and any other circumstance that may arise during our review of your case.
Many cases of domestic violence exists due to the accused not being aware, beforehand, that their actions are considered a form of abuse under Colorado laws, for example; restraining someone may be considered physical abuse, however most persons are accustomed to the notion that striking someone is primarily what a physical abuse charge entails.

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Practice Areas
The legal complexity of domestic violence charges is a major contributor in many cases of domestic violence that arise; both warranted and unwarranted, it is imperative that you attain the counsel of a legal professional who is trained and has vast knowledge of Colorado domestic violence proceedings. A domestic violence defense attorney from the McClintock Criminal Defense will perform an in depth analysis of the domestic violence charge against you and provide consultation on each circumstance from the perspective of the law, thus allowing you to make informed and decisive decisions regarding your case.
Adherence to Restraining Order is imperative
When a domestic violence charge is filed, a restraining order is also put into effect; this serves to restrict the accused from attempting to make contact with the victim. Restraining orders lasts throughout the domestic violence trial and may be extended afterwards based on outcome of trial. Violating a restraining order has serious implications, such as; additional charges, fines, as well as revocation of bail. Contacting an attorney after being arrested for violating a restraining order can make an immense difference on how effectively this issue is resolved.
Ted McClintock is trained in domestic violence criminal defense law and has years of experience defending Colorado domestic violence cases. He will work tirelessly and provide resolute representation to ensure that your legal rights are protected and a favorable outcome is reached at the end of legal proceedings.